Passionate Software Engineer with a proven track record in frontend development, optimization, and system design; dedicated to delivering high-quality work, driving innovations, and fostering collaboration. An active community contributor and relentless learner, I'm proud to have been recognized multiple times for my dedication and skills. Let's connect and create something impactful!
2021 - Present
Software Developer
Bangalore, India
Fullstack Development & Optimization, React.js Mastery, Cloud & API Integration -
Web Interface for Factory Machines
Developed a reusable UI interface to display machine status with real-time notifications and data visualization using Recharts.
ReactJS, NodeJS, 3.js, react-speech-recognition2022-2023
E-Commerce Web Application for Clothing Store
A ReactJS-built e-commerce site that supported the client's business growth during the pandemic, featuring an integrated payment gateway for seamless checkout.
HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Firebase2022-2023
Dashboard for Plant Machinery Statistics
Designed an integrated dashboard that offers crucial statistical insights on plant machinery's performance.
.Net Core, Azure table storage -
2017 - 2021
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
Indore, MP
Best Project Award
Won the best project award in a college hackathon for innovative web interface development.